Households making the switch to solar

While just under thirty per cent of Australian households have solar panels without a battery and seven per cent have solar panels with a battery installed at their homes, these numbers are expected to climb over the next ten years. Still, at least forty per cent of Australian households reported that they do not expect to have solar panels with or without a battery installed in the next ten years.

28 %

Three in ten (28 per cent) Australian households have solar panels without a home battery for storage installed in their homes.

30 %

An additional 30 per cent of
Australian households expect that they will have solar panel installed in their homes within the next one to ten years.

7 %

The percentage of Australian homes with solar panels and home batteries is significantly lower, with less than one in ten households (7 per cent). However, 52 Per cent of Australian households do expect to have solar and a battery installed in the next one to ten years.

3 %

15 per cent of Australian households have installed solar hot water systems in their homes, with an additional 37 per cent stating they expect to have solar hot water installed in the next one to ten years.

Percentage of households with solar panels without home battery ( by household type)
Please tell us about your ownership of the following electrical appliances…? (Solar panels without home battery)
Sources & Methodology
Variable description Use and acceptance of solar panels without home battery by household type.
Variable time span January 2022
Published by ANU Poll
Publisher Link
Data Source Biddle, Nicholas, 2022, "ANU Poll 49 (January 2022): Experiences with COVID 19", doi:10.26193/2MX3D0, ADA Dataverse, V1
CSV Data
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Couples and families are the most likely to have already solar panels installed in their houses.

Of the households that have solar panels without a home battery, couples with or without children make up 79 per cent. 34 per cent of couples living alone, 12 per cent of couples with non-dependent child(ren), 28 per cent of couples with dependent child(ren) and 5 per cent of couples with dependent(s) and non-dependent(s) have solar without a household battery. 9 per cent of people living alone, 2 per cent of single parents with non-dependent child(ren), 2 per cent of single parents with dependent child(ren) and 1 per cent of single parents with dependent and non-dependent child(ren) have solar without a household battery. 2 per cent of non-related adults sharing house/apartment and 5 per cent of other households have solar without a household battery.

Percentage of households with solar panels without home battery ( by household income )
Please tell us about your ownership of the following electrical appliances…? (Solar panels without home battery)
Sources & Methodology
Variable description Household’s total income, after tax and compulsory deductions
Variable time span January 2022
Published by ANU Poll
Publisher Link
Data Source Biddle, Nicholas, 2022, "ANU Poll 49 (January 2022): Experiences with COVID 19", doi:10.26193/2MX3D0, ADA Dataverse, V1
CSV Data
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Households with an income of between $38,896 and $109,304 were most likely to have solar without a household battery installed in their house.

Of the households who already owned soar panels without a battery, over fifty per cent (52 per cent) had a total household income (after tax and compulsory deductions) of between $38,896 and $109,304. 17 per cent of households on less than $38,896 had installed solar without batteries. The highest income households, earning more than $168,688, were the least likely to have solar, with only 13 per cent of houses having solar panels without a battery.

Of the households who did not expect to have solar panels without a battery in the next 10 years, 31 per cent had a low household income of $38,896, while 8 per cent of high-income houses on an income of more than $168,688 stated they did not expect to have any.