Australians mostly support the Federal Government using their data to deliver resources and benefits to the population. They are slightly less supportive of sharing data with researchers and are quite concerned both about the safety of their data and the potential for misuse.
Only a third of people – 30% – think the Australian government could respond effectively to a data breach.
Nearly two thirds – 60% – are concerned about their data being used by the Federal Government to make unfair decisions.
More than 70% are concerned about data breaches or misuse.
Most Australians – at least 85% – are generally supportive of Governments using data for specific purposes and sharing it with researchers.
A high number of respondents to the ANU Poll back the Federal Government using data from individuals to target resources to those who most need it and check government programs are working effectively. Only slightly fewer support data being used to either make sure people are getting their entitlements or aren’t claiming benefits they aren’t entitled to.
There is a little bit more concern about the Government providing the data to researchers to improve outcomes or service delivery although most still think the government either definitely or probably should do that.
There is much less confidence that the current government has the right safeguards in place or can be trusted with people’s data.
Only 34% think the Government can respond effectively to a data breach and even fewer (30%) think the Government is able to prevent data being leaked or hacked. There is mistrust too over transparency with only 30% saying the Government can be trusted to use the data responsibly and 27% believing the Government is open and honest about how data is collected, used and shared.
There are quite high levels of concern about specific types of data breaches and misuse. Most respondents are concerned about deliberate breaches such as hacking of government systems by a third party or the accidental release of information.
They are also quite concerned about data being given to consultants or to private sector organisations who may misuse their information. Although they are less worried by academic researchers misusing the information, the concern level is still over 50%..
More than 60% are concerned that the Government may use their data to make unfair decisions.
The survey didn’t ask about the likelihood of a data breach or the severity - the potential consequences for an individual - separately although may do so in the future.